When wrinkles, pigmented spots, or other unwanted symptoms appear on the skin, many seek to improve skin condition and slow the aging process. Aesthetic dermatology procedures can help achieve this:
- Injections of plasma enriched with growth factors (PRGF, PRP);
- Mesotherapy;
- Biorevitalisation;
- Biorepair;
- Redermalisation;
- Bioremodeling;
- Lip correction with hyaluronic fillers;
- Wrinkle correction with hyaluronic or natural plasma fillers;
- Botulinum toxin injections.
During procedures, patients are also provided with valuable skin care recommendations to help maintain skin health and youthfulness.
Prof. R. Rimdeika, I. Šaferienė, dr. J. Garbaravičienė, M. Kaupienė, N. Savickaja, J. Biliuvienė.